War Games
Category: PC/Cheats W
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During gameplay in a 1P game press T then enter any of the following "Codes":
eyeofgod Extra Level of Zoom on Lower Level Machines
saladtossed Choose Level
twobyfour Builds Units
hermes Speeds Up Building of Units
donkeys Shoots Jeeps Instead of Missiles
morningafter Removes Fog of War
gimmegimme Allows You to Build Everything
unclejohn God Mode
chaching Adds 10000 to Cash Total
mrmuscle Upgrades Player's Armor
bigsofty Downgrades Enemy Armor
coffee Upgrades Player's Speed
beer Downgrades Enemy Speed
shaft Upgrage Player's Firepower
shank Downgrade Enemy's Firepower

Submitted by: Andrew S

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