War Commander |
PC/Cheats W
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Cheat mode Select the units. Then, click the woman's head on the left followed the woman's head on the right at the command menu bar at the bottom right of the screen. Click the eagle between the two women. If you entered the code correctly, the word "OK" will be spoken. Click the left eagle at the top bar with the date and time to enable God mode. Clock the right eagle to advance to the next level. Select the "Armalite" on the command menu bar to reload your ammunition.Better reconnaissance Camouflage the scout before exploring enemy areas. That unit will be almost invisible.Effective sniping Team a scout with a sniper. The scout can see farther, providing more targets for the range of the sniper's rifle.Building defenses The engineer is the only unit that can construct buildings and should be used to build a defensive perimeter.Changing range and firepower Place units in a civilian or military building. Depending on the number of units in a building, their visual range and firepower can be increased.Grenades Do not throw grenades upwards on a hill. They can roll back towards your units.Mission bonuses Complete the additional goals within a mission to find extra supplies and reinforcements.