Vegas Tycoon
Category: PC/Cheats V
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Extra Money:
Any time during gameplay Press Left control button + F7

Edit Your Money:
1. Go to c:\Program Files\Global Star Software\Vega$
can be \High Hopes, \Big Spenders, etc.
2. Open the file "default.lua"
3. Find "PlayerInfo["Player1"].currentcash" and edit the value to
any amount you want.

Edit Your Money 2:
1. Go to c:\Program Files\Global Star Software\Vega$
2. Open the saved game file you want to edit with the extension
".cmf" e.g. slot1.cmf
3. Find "PlayerInfo["Player1"].currentcash" and edit the value
to any amount you want.

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