Vampire: The Masquerade Redemption |
PC/Cheats V
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Various CheatsStart the game with the commandline parameter console. eg C:Vampirevampire.exe console. Then during gameplay in Single Player Mode press and type any of the following "Codes": Code | Effect | god 0/1 | God Mode Off/On | cash | Change Cash to | dropcash | Drops Cash Amount | xp | Add to XP | freecasting | Cast Disciplines without using Blood | ai | Turns Off AI | addalldisciplines | All Disciplines | revive | Full Health | vault | Open Personal Vault from Anywhere InGame | freeammo | No Need for Ammo | stakme | Stake Self | killme | True Death | totals | List Scene Info | addthing | Spawn Item below | advancement | Brings Up Advancement Window | framerate 0/1 | Show Framerate Off/On | poisonme | Poison Self | diseaseme | Disease Self | damage me | Damage Self | whereis | Location Stats | frenzyme | Put Christof into Frenzy | maxfps | Set Max FPS to | shapeshift | Shapeshift into eg bat | shapeshift | Shapeshift back to Normal | freeze | Freezes Body | pause | Pauses Action | resume | Resumes Action | emit | Emit from Character's Feet eg fire gas | jump levelh3 | Jump to Level/Waypoint below |
Submitted in part by Larzok Goboka Gatata Dimitri Granik Y. Adam Martin adammallitall.comItemsUse with addthing:
Weapons Redemption Ainkurnsword Argentbaton Assaultrifle Assaultriflemodified Assaultriflesighted Axe Axeexq Axefine Axerusty Axesilver Baseballbat Bastardsword Bastardswordexq Bastardswordfine Bastion Bastionexq Bastionfine Battleaxe Battleaxebezerker Battleaxeexq Battleaxefine Bezerkerfang Brassknuckles Broadsword Broadsworddread Broadswordexq Broadswordfine Broadswordflaming Broadswordholy Broadswordrusty Broadswordsilver Brokenbottle Chaingun Chaingunmodified Chainsaw Chemgrenade Claymore Claymoredread Claymoreexq Claymorefine Club Compoundbow Compoundbowmag Concgrenade Crossbow Crossbowinc Crossbowmag Crossbowsilver Crossbowmd Dagger Daggerexq Daggerfine Daggerpoisoned Daggerthorns Dirk Dirkexq Dirkfine Dirkpoisoned Dirkrusty Dirksilver Dolorousnail Evilaxe Falchion Falchiondread Falchionexq Falchionfine Femur Flamberge Flambergedread Flambergeexq Flambergefine Flamethrower Fraggrenade Garousclaw Greatsword Greatsworddread Greatswordexq Greatswordfine Greatswordholy Greekfire Grenadelauncher Halbred Halbredexq Halbredfine Handofconrad Holywater Incinerator Ivorybow Lance Lanceexq Lancefine Leadpipe Longbow Longbowinc Mace Maceblessed Maceexq Macefine Machete Molotovcocktail Morodagger Morodaggerexq Morodaggerfine Napalmbomb Oilstgeorge Phosgrenade Pistol Pistoldragonsbreath Pistolfirst Pistolmodified Pistolsighted Pitchfork Poignard Poignardexq Poignardfine Poignardpoisoned Pointymace Pointymaceexq Pointymacefine Pointymaceholy Poleaxe Poleaxeexq Poleaxefine Quarterstaff Rapier Rapierexq Rapierfine Revolver Revolvermodified Revolversighted Rifle Riflemodified Riflesighted Rocketlauncher Satchelcharge Scimitar Scimitarflame Scythe Shortbow Shortbowinc Shotgun Shotgunmodified Shuriken Spear Spearexq Spearfine Stake Stakegun Submachinegun Submachinegunmodified Taser Throwingknives Warhammer Warhammerbeserk Warhammerexq Warhammerfine Waxenpoetica
Armor Armortshirt Armyhelmet Buckler Cavalryshield Chainmail Chainmailholy Chainmailunholy Chestplate Flakjacket Footmanshield Fullhelm Fullhelmcold Fullhelmelec Fullhelmfire Fullhelmholy Fullhelmsun Fullhelmunholy Gauntlets Gauntletselemental Gauntletsheavy Gloves Gloveselemental Greatshield Greatshieldelemental Greatshieldholy Greatshieldunholy Halfplate Halfplateholy Halfplateunholy Heartshield Largeshield Leatherclothing Leatherclothingholy Leatherclothingunholy Leathergloves Leatherjacket Leathervest Lighthelm Lighthelmelemental Lighthelmholy Lighthelmunholy Mediumballisticvest Motorcyclehelmet Neckguard Nomexsuit Paddedclothing Platemail Platemailholy Platemailunholy Rags Reinforcedclothing Riotshield Scalemail Scalemailholy Scalemailunholy Shield Shieldelemental Shieldholy Shieldunholy Skullcap Studdedleather Studdedleatherholy Studdedleatherunholy Swathelmet Tacticaljacket Tailoredarmor Jump LocationsUse with jump:
Convent ConventDay OldTownDay SmithyDay Inn4StagsDay JudithBridgeDay University StThomas GoldenLaneDay UnornaDay EastGate EastGateNight OldTown Smithy Inn4Stags JudithBridge Unorna Haven PetrinHill PetrinHillDay AnezkaRoom NQuarter PragueCastle PrinceBrandl GoldenLane DummyNorthQuarter DummyNorthGate DummyNorthQuarterGate SilverMines SilverMines2 SilverMines3 SilverMinesNight Monastery Monastery2 Monastery3 ArdanChantry ArdanChantry2 ArdanChantry3 ArdanChantry4 JosefTunnels JosefTunnels2 JosefTunnels3 VysMountain