Urban Freestyle Soccer
Category: PC/Cheats U
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Get Infinite Turbo

Use the following code at the cheats menu: SPEEDY01

Get Max Skills

Use the following code at the cheats menu: MAXSKILL

Get Micro Soccer

Go to the cheats menu then enter: Z26BEXW8

New Item Added To The Environment

Use the following code at the cheats menu: E06J3CT5

Unlock all game modes

Use the following code at the cheats menu: GM2OPEN8

Unlock all teams

Enter the following code at the cheats menu: A11T3AM5

Unlock Streetballers team

Use the following code at the cheats menu: 5Y104D9A

Weak opponents

Use the following cheat code at the cheats menu: WIMP A.I

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