Test Drive 5
Category: PC/Cheats T
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

Enter any of the following "Codes" at the Options Menu:
cup of choice Unlocks All Cup Races
that takes me back Enables Backwards Mode
i have the key Unlocks All Cars and Tracks
i carry a badgeDrive Police Cars
lone crusader in a dangerous worldPress Horn for Nitro
remote brakingPress Horn to Freeze Opponents

Submitted by: Micheal Peters z71chevrolethotmail.com

Various Cheats 2

Enter any of the following "Codes" on the High Score Table Make sure to turn checkpoints on from the Options screen:
knacked Reverse Tracks
whoooosh Nitros
mjcim.rc Tiny Cars
sausage Bonus Cars

Note: After entering the codes make sure you save your game. Otherwise you will have to run this each time you play.

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