Savage Warrior
Category: PC/Cheats S
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

At the Main Menu type CHEAT then enter any of the following "Codes":
replay 3D Game Mode
eleventh Enables The Master
gardener Enables Tom Teck
dunk Enables Scottie Pippen
numberone Enables Captain Warrior
pam Enables Pamela
circus Arena now Selectable Combat Area
nopain No Weapons
tyson No Special Moves
nogain Can't Lose Weapons
finalfive Allows 5 out of 7 Rounds
snowwhite Tiny Characters
evildeath Enables Gore Mode
forqa Development Tools
nbk Only One Round
woo Stops the Loss of Special Move Power
easyspecialmoves Makes Special Moves Easier see below

Easier Special Moves

use with easyspecialmoves code:

F F P is the first move
F F K is the second move and
B F P is the third move.

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