SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle
Category: PC/Cheats S
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Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During gameplay press and enter any of the following "Codes":
iamleet Complete All Objectives and Win Current Mission
johnwoo Slow Motion
swatlord God Mode for Entire Team
biggerpockets Unlimited Ammo
casual Team Missing Pants and Shirts
doubleshot Fire Weapon Faster
nc17 Bodies Bleed More when Injured
noshades Night Missions Play as if During the Day
whosyourboss Force a Teammate to Fire Their Weapon
hotstuff Suspects are Harder to Kill
rabies Killer Rats when shot
justin Suspects Never Surrender

Submitted by: T bryantglcbpu.com

Can't Hurt Team Members

First make a backup copy of the file swat.cfg which is located in the game directory. Then open it with any text editor and change the line "shootgoodguys1" to "shootgoodguys0".

Various cheats

While in game, press SHIFT and ~ to bring up the 'console'. Type in the following-

SWATLORD- Godmode For All OfficersBIGGERPOCKETS- Unlimited Ammo (Includes C-4, CS Gas, Etc.)

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