Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Demo
Category: PC/Cheats R
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During gameplay press semicolon ; then enter any of the following "Codes":
Invincible Team teamgod
Ammo Refill 5fingerdiscount
Explore Mode explore
Selected Player is Invincibleplayergod

File Editing More Ammo

Always make a backup copy of the file you want to edit first. Then find your Rogue Spear Demo folder and open it up then go to data then to kit then find a file that says pw barret. Rightclick on it go to properties and make sure that it's not on read only. Then open it with any text editor and find the 4th line. That line should be a number so change that number to 999 and go into the game. Use the Barret and you should have 999 Bullets. Do that to any other weapon that is your favorite.
Submitted by Op Dog

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