Rainbow Six: Eagle Watch
Category: PC/Cheats R
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During gameplay press Enter. Then type any of the following "Codes":
turnpunchkick 2D Players
1900 Large Torsos When Breathing
meganoggin Mega Head Mode
bignoggin Big Head Mode
5fingerdiscount Full Ammo
explore Victory Conditions Toggle
nobrainer Disable AI
stumpy Stumpy Characters
avatargod God Mode
clodhopper Large Feet and Hands
debugkeys Activate the following keys

Debug Keys

Use with debugkeys code. Then press F10 to enter Debug Mode. Now enter any of the following keys:

Screenshot F2
Change view F6
Suicide F7 or F8
Return to normal view F9
Exit debug mode F10
Level skip F12
Adjust lighting or
Toggle AI A
Third person views V or B
Change screen resolution Keypad 1 or Keypad 3

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