Rainbow Six: Eagle Watch |
PC/Cheats R
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Various CheatsDuring gameplay press Enter. Then type any of the following "Codes": Code | Effect | turnpunchkick | 2D Players | 1900 | Large Torsos When Breathing | meganoggin | Mega Head Mode | bignoggin | Big Head Mode | 5fingerdiscount | Full Ammo | explore | Victory Conditions Toggle | nobrainer | Disable AI | stumpy | Stumpy Characters | avatargod | God Mode | clodhopper | Large Feet and Hands | debugkeys | Activate the following keys |
Debug KeysUse with debugkeys code. Then press F10 to enter Debug Mode. Now enter any of the following keys:
Screenshot F2 Change view F6 Suicide F7 or F8 Return to normal view F9 Exit debug mode F10 Level skip F12 Adjust lighting or Toggle AI A Third person views V or B Change screen resolution Keypad 1 or Keypad 3