Rainbow Six |
PC/Cheats R
0.00 out of 5.00
Various CheatsDuring gameplay press ' singlequote then enter any of the following "Codes": Code | Effect | TEAMGOD | Team God Mode | AVATARGOD | Player God Mode | STUMPY | Stumpy Mode On | CLODHOPPER | Enlarges Player's Feet and Hands | MEGANOGGIN | Mega Head Mode | BIGNOGGIN | Big Head Mode | 5FINGERDISCOUNT | Refill Ammo | NOBRAINER | Turns AI Off | DEBUGKEYS | Debug Keys Enabled Below | SILENTBUTDEADLY | Flatulent walking | FASTACTIONRESPONSETEAM | ??? | TURNPUNCHKICK | Changes Players From 3D to 2D | 1900 | Heavy Breathing | EXPLORE | Victory Conditions On/Off |
Debug KeysPress F10 then any of the following:
F12 Level skip F7 or F8 Suicide F6 Change view Comma Period or / Adjust elevation