Railroad Tycoon 3
Category: PC/Cheats R
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Contributor: admin

Cheat codes

During gameplay press the period key (.) and then enter the following codes:

Code - Effect

we have a winner Gold - Win the game (Gold Medal)
we have a winner Silver - Win the game (Silver Medal)
we have a winner Bronze - Win the game (Bronze Medal)
we have a winner - Win the game
all is lost - Lose the game
big dog - Give your player $10 million
fat cat - Give your player $1 million
bailout - Give your company $10 million
subsidy - Give your company $1 million
passport - Give your company access to all territories
go go go - All trains go double speed
oops - All trains crash
trains are in my blood - All locomotive types available for purchase
double shift - Buildings produce cargo at double normal rates
safety first - Trains never crash
upgrade - All trains upgraded to HST 125 (A nice diesel)

Above cheats submitted by Paladonius

Floating houses

go to the sandbox mode and choose the painting icon then go to icon that says lakes/ocean now zoom out of the map and make evrything water then zoom back in vwola houses seem to be floating in mid air
Submitted by Respect

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