Railroad Tycoon 2: Gold Edition
Category: PC/Cheats R
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Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During gameplay press Tab and enter any of the following "Codes":
BigfootGold Gold Victory
BigfootSilver Silver Victory
BigfootBronze Bronze Victory
Bigfoot Gold Victory
BoBo Lose
King of the hill Get 100000
Cattle futures Player 1 Million
Powerball Company 100 Million
Slush fund Company 1 Million
Let me in Access to Access Denied Territories
Speed Racer 2x Maximum Train Speeds
AMD103 All trains are AMD 103
Casey Jones All Competitors Trains Crash
Show me the trains Get All Engines
Overtime Doubles Industrial Center Output
Viagra Sudden Expansion of Towns

Submitted in part by Jackal7481 Owen Marsden

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