Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a Hero |
PC/Cheats Q
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Various CheatsDuring gameplay type razzle dazzle root beer. Now press any of the following Alt key combos where key is one of the following:
B Change amount of silvers up to 9911 I Add Items to your Inventory see list below K Change Stats see list below S Shows Movable Objects on the Screen T Teleport see list below X Changes Every Skill to 80
Skill/Stat Numbers Alt K and up to 9911 0 Strength 1 Intelligence 2 Agility 3 Vitality 4 Luck 5 Weapon Use 6 Parry 7 Dodge 8 Stealth 9 Pick Locks 10 Throwing 11 Climbing 12 Magic 13 Experience 14 Health Points 15 Stamina Points 16 Mana Points 17 Open 18 Detect Magic 19 Trigger 20 Dazzle 21 Zap 22 Calm 23 Flame Dart 24 Fetch
Teleport Locations Alt T 9 Beginning Screen 10 Erana's Garden 13 Ogre outside Kobold's cave 14 Cave 1 Kobold 15 Cave 2 Kobold 16 Seed Spitting Spirea 21 Inside Baba Yaga's hut 22 Outside Baba Yaga's hut/Skull 28 At bottom of Zauberberg Mountain 29 Top of Zauberberg Mountain/Outside House 30 Inside Erasmus's house 31 Inside Tower Room in Erasmus's House 32 Playing Erasmus's Magic Game 37 At Castle Gates 38 Left of the castle courtyard 39 Castle Courtyard 40 Stable in the castle 53 Heinrich Pferdefedern's farm 54 Outside Healer's hut 55 Inside Healer's hut 60 Meeps 64 Cemetery 67 Fox caught in trap 70 Mushroom screen 73 Dart board 76 Dryad 82 Outside Henry the Hermit's house 83 Inside Henry the Hermit's house 84 Antwerp/Brigand secret entrance 87 Mirror Lake 88 Brigand Cave 2 89 Brigand Cave 1 91 Brigand ambush 93 Minotaur/Outside Brigand fortress 94 Booby Traps screen/Inside Brigand fortress 95 Cafeteria/Inside Brigand Fortress 96 Yorick's room/Brigand fortress 97 Brigand Leader's room/Brigand fortress 1186 that weren't mentioned bring you into the forest. 11 starts in the most NE corner 1 south and 2 west of Erana's garden to the right of that screen is 12 and so on. When they can't go any farther to the right they drop down to the next row.
Inventory ID's Alt I 1 Silver Coin up to 9911 2 Gold Coin up to 9911 3 Food Ration 4 Mandrake Root 5 Large Brass Key to Brigand fortress secret entrance 6 Broadsword 7 Dagger 8 Leather Armor 9 Shield 10 Piece of Paper 11 Small Apple 12 Vegetable 13 Glowing Gem 14 Alabaster Vase 15 Candelabra 16 Music Box 17 Candlestick 18 String of Pearls 19 Gold Ring 20 Spirea Seed 21 Small Rock 22 Flower 23 Lock Pick 24 Thieve's Tool Kit 25 Thieve's Guild License 26 Empty Glass 27 Green Fur 28 Flask of Flying Water 29 Flask of Water 30 Mushroom 31 Cheetaur Claw 32 Troll Beard 33 Chainmail Armor 34 Healing Potion 35 Mana/Magic Potion 36 Vigor Potion 38 Dispel Potion 39 Undead Unguent 40 Hand Mirror 41 Magic Acorn