Code | Result |
PKWEAPONS | Gives all weapons |
PKGOLD | Gives a lot of gold |
PKKEEPBODIES | Toggles 'bodies will never disappear' on/off |
PKKEEPDECALS | Toggles 'decals will never disappear' on/off |
PKDEMON | Toggles 'demon morph' on/off |
PKWEAKENEMIES | Toggles 'enemies get 1 health point' on/off |
PKALWAYSGIB | Toggles 'excessive gibbage' on/off |
PKGOD | Toggles 'god mode' on/off |
PKHASTE | Toggles 'haste' on/off |
PKWEAPONMODIFIER | Toggles 'weapon modifier mode' on/off |
WEAPONSPECULAR | Toggles 'weapon specular' on/off. Press 1 and 0 to toggle. |
PKPOWER | Gives full ammo and health |
PKAMMO | Gives full ammo |