Oh No More Lemmings
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Level Skip

During gameplay press 5 on the numpad to skip levels.

Level Passwords Tame

2 RentaLemming IHRTDLCCAR
3 Undercover lemming LRTDLCADAO
4 Downwordly Nobile lemmings RTDLCILEAH
5 Smuggle up to a lemming TDLCAHTFAO
6 Intsywintsy..lemming DLCIHUTGAJ
7 Who's that lemming LCALUTDHAG
8 Dangerzone CILUTDLIAP
9 And now this... CAHRUDKJAR
10 New lemmings on the block IHRUDLCKAK
11 With compliments LRUDLCALAH
12 Citizen lemming RUDLCILMAQ
13 Thunderlemmings are go UDLCAHVNAJ
14 Get a little extra help DLCIITUOAR
15 Not just a pretty lemming LCALVUDPAP
16 Gone with the lemming CILVUDLQAI
17 Honey i saved the lemmings CAHRTFLBBL
18 Lemmings for presidents IHRTFLCCBE
19 Lemming Productions present... LRTFLCADBR
20 Custom built for lemmings RTFLCILEBK

Level Passwords Crazy

1 "That's a good level" TFLCAHVFBD
2 Dolly simple FLCIHTTGBK
3 Many lemmings make level work LCALUTFHBJ
4 Lemming Express CILTTFLIBQ
5 24 hour lemathon CAHRUFLJBE
6 The stack IHRUFLCKBN
7 And now the end is near LRUFLCALBK
8 Keep on trucking RUFLCILMBD
9 On the Antarctic coast WNHCEIVNBH
11 No problemming LCAMTUFPBR
12 Lemming friendly BIMTUNLQBT
13 It's a trade off CAIPTDMBCK
14 Time waits for no lemming IHRTDMCCCF
15 Worra load of old blocks LRULICADCH
16 Across the gap RVLICILECQ
17 Digging for victory TDMCAHVFCD
18 No problem DMCIITTGCL
19 Don't panic ICAMTVLHCO
20 Ice ice lemming CILVVLIICI

Level Passwords Wild

1 Pop your top BAHRWLMJCN
2 Lemming hotel IHPUDMCKCL
3 Lemming rhythms LPUDMCELCM
4 Meeting adjourned PUDMCIMMCS
5 Lemming head UDMCAHVNCM
6 Just a quicky LICMHVWOCP
7 You take the high road MCALVUDPCS
8 It's a tight fit CILVUDMQEL
9 Ice station lemming CAHRTFMBDO
10 Higgledy Piggledy IHRTFMCCDH
11 Mutiny on the bounty MRTNICADDJ
12 Snow joke PTFMCIMEDM
13 Onward and upward TNICAHTFDL
15 The silence of the Lemmings ICEMVVNHDH
16 Take care sweetie CIMVTNIIDK
17 The chain with no h3 CAHRUFMJDH
18 Dr Lemming Good IHRUFMCKDQ
19 Lemmingpelica MPUNICELDE
20 Got anything Lemmingy??? PUFMCMLMDI

Level Passwords Wicked

1 Lemming Tomato ketchup facility UFMCAHTNDN
2 Introducing super lemming NICMHVUOOQ
3 This corrosion MCALVUFPDF
4 Oh no It's the 4th dimension CILVUFMQDO
5 Chill out GAHRTDHBEM
6 Pop til you drop IHRTDLGCEJ
7 Last Lemming to Lemming Central MPTLLFADEM
8 A towering problem PVLHGMMEEI
9 How on Earth? VLHGAHVFEO
10 Temple of Love DLGIHTTGEP
11 Rocky road LGALTTDHEM
12 Suicidal tendencies GILVTLHIEL
13 Almost nearly virtual reality GEHPUDLJEL
14 The Lemming learning curve IHPWLHGKEG
15 Spam spam spam egg and Lemming MPUDLGALEO
16 Five alive RULHGILMEM
17 Down the tube ULHGEITNEI
18 Lots more where they came from DLGIHTUOEI
19 Up down or round and round HGAMTWLPEM
20 The Lemming Funhouse GIMTULHQED

Level Passwords Havoc

1 Tubular lemming GAIPTFLBFS
2 Be more than just a number IIPTFLGCFL
3 It's the price you have to pay LPTFLGADFH
4 The race against cliches RTFLGILEFS
5 There's madness in the method TFLGAHVFFL
6 Now get out of that FLGIHVTGFE
7 Creature discomforts LGALVTFHFR
8 Lemming about town GILTNNHIFM
9 Aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh GAIPUFLJFL
10 Flow control IHRUFLGKFF
11 Welcome to the party pal MRWFHFALFQ
12 It's all a matter of timing RUFLGILMFL
13 Highland fling UFLGAHVNFE
14 Synchronized Lemming FLGMHTUOFP
15 Have an ice day LGALVUFPFK
16 Scaling the heights GILTUNHQFF
17 Where lemmings dare GAIPVLIBGI
18 Lemmings in a situation MHPTDMGCGO
19 Looks a bit nippy out there MPTDMGADGI
20 Look before you lead ETDMGILEGS

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