Madden NFL 2001
Category: PC/Cheats M
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Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

At the Secret Codes screen enter any of the following "Codes":
Lionpower '57 Lions
Goldrush '57 49ers
Jollygreen '58 Giants
Stables '58 Colts
Greenwings'60 Eagles
Getem '62 Texans
Therewasaman '62 Oilers
Megiveyou '66 Chiefs
Champs '66 Packers
Whoshotjr '66 Cowboys
Blitzer '67 Rams
Snowplow '67 Packers
Tundra '67 Cowboys
Heidi '68 Colts
Shocker '68 Colts
Tvtimeout '68 Jets
Nofluke '69 Chiefs
Allfluke'69 Vikings
MNF '70 Browns
Peopleeater'70 Vikings
Damnyankees'70 Jets
Overtime '71 Chiefs
Longestgame'71 Dolphins
Stars'71 Cowboys
Lucky '72 Steelers
Perfect '72 Dolphins
Airshow '72 Colts
Steelcurtain '74 Steelers
Defenders'74 Dolphins
Struggle'74 Raiders
Tark'74 Vikings
Purple '75 Vikings
Hailmary '75 Cowboys
Miracleleap'75 Steelers
Ghosttothepost'77 Colts
Usateam'77 Cowboys
Theghost'77 Raiders
Dynasty '78 Steelers
Holy '78 Raiders
Roller '78 Chargers
Earl'78 Oilers
Recordnight'78 Cowboys
Cannedtuna'78 Dolphins
Comeback '79 Cowboys
Pirates'79 Bucaneers
Aheadatthehalf'79 Redskins
Ironman '81 Chargers
Thecatch '81 49ers
Tigers '81 Bengals
Nochance '81 Cowboys
Blockedkick'81 Dolphins
Homesick'83 Raiders
Dantheman '84 Dolphins
Upset '85 Bears
Blowout '85 Patriots
Flyaway '85 Falcons

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