Madden NFL '99
Category: PC/Cheats M
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

leech Better Defensive Back
gloves Better Catching
bigfoot Better Kicking
ea stadiums EA Stadium
dogpound99 Cleveland Stadium
notafish Old Miami Stadium
thehogs RFK Stadium
sombrero Old Tampa Bay Stadium
for rent Astrodome
ourhouse Tiburon Stadium
stickem Original Oakland Stadium
welcomeback '99 Cleveland Browns
bestnfc NFC AllStars
afcbest AFC AllStars
boom Madden '98
imtheman Stats Leaders
peacelove All 60's
bellbottoms All 70's
hereandnow All 90's
turkeyleg Madden AllTime Greats
throwback 75th Anniversary
gearguys NFL Equipment Team
orrs heroes EA Sports Team
jetsons Old Oilers
ghost town WildWest
dandaman Old Miami Dolphins
sharksfin Tiburon Sports Complex

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