Lamentation Sword
Category: PC/Cheats L
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Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During gameplay press Enter then type any of the following "Codes". Note that the codes are casesensitive so type them as shown:
Icompletedthisghostgame Carries you into the Unreal World
IfIwantIgotit xx Gives Item xx whereas xx is the number of the item
Seethesilverlining Remove the Darkness
Showmetheworld Whole Card Releases and Displays the Positions of the Opponents Who Disappear to Darkness
Thefierceunknownpower xx Increases Magic to xx
Thegreathealthpower xx Increases Health to xx
Thehealthyspiritpower xx Increase Brain to xx
Theoriginaldexteritypower xx Increases Dexterity to xx
Therealmusclepower xx Increases Strength to xx
ThesoulHunter'sholyPower xx Increases Power to xx
Youcansaymoneyiseverything xx Gives you Money in the Amount of xx
Yougainasoneplease xx Gives Weapon Number xx

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