Lamentation Sword |
PC/Cheats L
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Various CheatsDuring gameplay press Enter then type any of the following "Codes". Note that the codes are casesensitive so type them as shown: Code | Effect | Icompletedthisghostgame | Carries you into the Unreal World | IfIwantIgotit xx | Gives Item xx whereas xx is the number of the item | Seethesilverlining | Remove the Darkness | Showmetheworld | Whole Card Releases and Displays the Positions of the Opponents Who Disappear to Darkness | Thefierceunknownpower xx | Increases Magic to xx | Thegreathealthpower xx | Increases Health to xx | Thehealthyspiritpower xx | Increase Brain to xx | Theoriginaldexteritypower xx | Increases Dexterity to xx | Therealmusclepower xx | Increases Strength to xx | ThesoulHunter'sholyPower xx | Increases Power to xx | Youcansaymoneyiseverything xx | Gives you Money in the Amount of xx | Yougainasoneplease xx | Gives Weapon Number xx |