King of the Road
Category: PC/Cheats K
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During the game press the Pause key to pause the game,then type one of the following codes:

SLALLCHEATS - Activate all cheats
SLLOTTERY - Get a money and drivers license
SLROADS - Open all raods
SLMAP - Display all hidden items on the overhead map
SLFILLUP - Unlimited Fuel
SLRECOVER - Free recovery by pressing CTRL + 5
SLTURBINE - Super-turbine thrust by pressing CTRL + 1, CTRL + 2, CTRL + 3 or CTRL + 4
SLREPAIR - Free repairs by pressing BACKSPACE
MINESOFF - Turn Mines off

Submitted by Jani

Buy All Rockets

Submitted by Besir

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