KISS Psycho Circus |
PC/Cheats K
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Various CheatsDuring gameplay press for the console and type any of the following "Codes": Code | Effect | Invuln | God Mode | GimmieGimmieGimmie | All Weapons | NoClip | No Clipping Mode | NoTarget | Monster Targeting On/Off | Spectator | Fly Mode | ChaseCam | Chase Camera | CyclePlayerClass | Cycle Through 4 Player Classes | NextArmor | Increase Armor and Health | PrevArmor | Decrease Armor | NextMonster | Go to Next Monster | PrevMonster | Go to Previous Monster | RestartLevel | Restart the Current Level | CameraLock | ??? | Debug1 | ??? | Debug2 | ??? | listcommands | List Console Commands |
console box type in GIVEALL Submitted by unknown