KISS Psycho Circus
Category: PC/Cheats K
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

During gameplay press for the console and type any of the following "Codes":
Invuln God Mode
GimmieGimmieGimmie All Weapons
NoClip No Clipping Mode
NoTarget Monster Targeting On/Off
Spectator Fly Mode
ChaseCam Chase Camera
CyclePlayerClass Cycle Through 4 Player Classes
NextArmor Increase Armor and Health
PrevArmor Decrease Armor
NextMonster Go to Next Monster
PrevMonster Go to Previous Monster
RestartLevel Restart the Current Level
CameraLock ???
Debug1 ???
Debug2 ???
listcommandsList Console Commands

console box

type in GIVEALL
Submitted by unknown

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