Jagged Alliance 2 |
PC/Cheats J
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Various Cheats v1.06 requiredAt the Tactical screen hold Ctrl and type G A B B I. Now press any of the following at the given screen:
Tactical Screen
Alt E Make all characters enemies and NPCs and items visible Alt O Kill all enemies in current sector Alt T Teleport selected character to cursor location Ctrl H Hurt character under cursor location Alt D Refresh APs of selected character Alt R Reload selected character's gun Ctrl U Refresh all characters' health and energy heals them Alt Enter Aborts enemies turn
Map Screen
Ctrl T In travel mode teleport squad to sector under cursor Alt AUTO RESOLVE Kill all enemies in sector without having to load sector and use ALT O
Increase funds by 100000 Decrease funds by 10000 SPACE While Leftclicking merc forces any "away" character to join team
Alt B Enemy appears at cursor Alt C Civilian appears at cursor Alt I Item appears at cursor Alt K Mustard gas explosion at cursor Alt O 100pts of damage to all enemies in sector Alt 5 Character changes to monster Alt G Create new character Alt V Create robot Alt 4 Character sits in wheel chair