Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter |
PC/Cheats I
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Various CheatsDuring gameplay press Ctrl Tab and type the following:
GETYOURCHEATON:ExploreArea; Show full map
GETYOURCHEATON:Hans; Teleport party to pointer
GETYOURCHEATON:SetCurrentXPnumber; Give selected characters number EXP
GETYOURCHEATON:AddGoldnumber; Add number gold to party total
GETYOURCHEATON:Midas; Add 500 gold to party total
GETYOURCHEATON:FirstAid; 5 healing potions 5 antidotes and 1 Scroll Of Stone To Flesh Cheat ModeAlways make a backup copy before making any changes. Open up the file 'icewind.ini' in the game directory with any text editor. Under Game Options add the line:
Start the game and press Ctrl Tab to display the console and type:
This will enable the following keys:
Ctrl J Move selected characters to pointer position Ctrl R Heal or resurrect the selected character or portrait Ctrl Y Kill selected monster or NPC with no EXP Ctrl 4 Display trigger polygons; shows traps Ctrl 9 Display character bounding boxes