ID4: Independence Day
Category: PC/Cheats I
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various Cheats

At the Main Menu enter any of the following "Names" under Player Name:
LIVE FREE Invincible
TOURIST Select Level
GO POSTAL Damage Bonus Weapons Fast Reload
FOX ROX Select Level
GODZILLA Kill Civil Kill Wing
MR HAPPY Select Plane
KYRA NR Select Level Select Plane Invincible Kill Civil Kill Wing Damage Bonus Weapons Faster Reload
BRENDAN QR Select Level Select Plane Invincible Kill Civil Kill Wing Damage Bonus Weapons Fast Reload
GRAG FM Everything
SCOTTYWAR Everything
ROSA DUONG Everything
KIWI Select Level Select Plane Invincible Weapons Fast Reload
COCO Everything
RADARMY Everything
DAB DAB Everything
TRI S Everything

Now exit back to the Main Menu and press Ctrl RightShift 8 for the Cheat Menu.

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