Shoot enemy through wallIn multi-player mode, drive any Warthog close to a building so that the side of it is touching. Get in the gunners turret and turn it towards the wall. If done correctly and you are close enough, you should be able to to shoot at an enemy through the wall and not receive damage from them if they shoot back. Possible working XBOX version hintsRandom message: Go to "Settings" at the main menu, then press Y to create a new profile. Enter .fortune (note the period character) as a name. As soon as you enter the last letter of the name, a strange random message will appear. Every time you enter this name, you will get a different message. ".fortune" is a reference to a feature on the Linux/Unix operating system. Pelican Ride and cool stuff to try.PELICAN RIDE Ok, this isn't really a cheat, just a thing to try. Go on the level Assault on the Control Room. At the very beginning you'll get off the Pelican. Right away tap x and you'll get back on the Pelican. Now you'll fly with the ship and eventually enter a mist and full to your doom and "press x to flip the Pelican" will appear on the screen.COOL STUFF TO TRY 1. Shoot the captain in the Pillar of Autumn. 2. Drive as far out as possible in the water in The Silent Cartogapher. 3. On Two Betrayals, their is a sniper rifle in the building right outside the control complex. 4. Shoot the monitor in the Library level to hear him yell at you. 5. Play the Pillar of Autumn on different difficulties to hear the sergeant in the beginning video tell different things for the soldiers to do. It go from keep your "keep finger on the trigger" to "pump the enemy full of lead and drown them in their own blood". 6. Have men in the warthog and drive off a cliff to make say stuff. Driving WarthogsWhen driving a warthog before you drive off a cliff spin right away to the side and the warthog won't tip but will stay horizontal and land from and height,(this won't work if the cliff goes off that certain level). Also when turning to make a perfect turn, only do lots of little movements on the right thumb stick. Do this so that the warthog doesn'tskid out from big turns and you can control it better. Secret CaveThere is in level 5 a secret cave at the button of the map entrance. It comes out on the side where they are not expecting a side attack from that side and it shall be easier.Get New Ending SequenceFinish the game using legendary difficulty setting in Campaign ModeBattling floodUsing a combination of assault, Shotgun, and grenades works best...Warning: Only use the [sticky] grenades at a far distance, especially for the little ones. Shot gun- use on big floods, and little floods.When those little guys, that jump up at you, are all grouped together use the shot gun, it shoots out a lot of bullets at a time (you can see this if you shoot at a smooth wall, or the can see all the marks it makes).Also close to medium range range to the big guys. Use Assault rifle if the guy is standing still, if he or you are moving too much it screws your aim very badly and you waste bullets and have to re load more often and then they have a clear shot.For the grenades use them when you know something is behind a wall, or when you see a lot of flood coming at you from a safe distance.for sticky grenades you MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER to use them at a safe distance because if you shoot it on one of those little guys that follow you you will get hurt bad too because of the blast that they brought with them, same with the big guys; I have learned this because the the Master Chief doesn't run to fast so he cant out run a lot of the flood. Don't use your grenades all at once..They are to important, and sometimes rarest when you need them. Battling the flood 2When you fight the flood it is best to use a combo of the Assault Rifle (For the little dudes) And the Shotgun (For the big ones). When the flood that look like humans come at you try to aim for their big arm. they will die instantly if you shoot it off. it is best to do this at close to medium range with the shotgun. but if you have to you can also use the Assault Rifle.If you use Grenades try not to use the Plasma Grenades. try to use the Fragmentation grenades because if the flood run at you with the sticky grenade on them you are in trouble. Also in order to get more check points try to kill all enemies in the area and the comp will generally give you a check point. Against the big flood just put a shotgun to their chest a pull the trigger it works best that way. Bloody WarthogTo start things off lets just beat the game first!Now since the game is beat you should have a little fun.Now go to any level that lets you use the warthog.Now for the good part.When you see an enemy run over him.But it isn't that simple!If your enemy jumps out of the way do a donut and you should get him!Another cool thing is to take a rocket launcher and blast the warthog towards them and it might hit them and they will die!Now I have a great recipe for chicken noodle sallad,just kidding!Battling easierThis is how to battle The BAD GUYS. [Elite] [M6D Pistol][Slow rate of fire and small clip size make this weapon ineffective against the fast moving Elites] [MA5B Assault rifle][At minimum,prepare to extend an entire clip to bring one down{more,if your aim isn't sure}] [S2 AM Sniper Rifle][If youve got it,use it.It will tear through the Elites shielding.A head shot will take them down instantly] [M90 Shotgun][The closer you are,the faster they fall] [Fragmentation/Plasma Grenades][The will dodge most grenades throw at them.Use grenades only if they are cornered] [M19SSM Rocket Launcher][A waste of Rockets. Use smaller arms.] [Plasma Pistol][Resist the urge to fire a power shot;an Elite will most likely dodge it.Instead,fire continuous bursts to bring them down more quickly than with the pistol or assualt rifle] [Plasma Rifle][Very effective if your aim is true.If not,the overheat can leave you vulnerable to a charging and angry Elite] [Needler][Highly Effective.Empty a clip at the elite,and the needles will home in on it,piercing its shield and quickly dispatching it.][Grunt] [Pistol][One or two shots should put a grunt to rest.] [Assault Rifle][Highly Effective against one or many.] [S2 AM Sniper Rifle][Can we say overkill?Obviously effective,but use it on bigger threats before grunts] [M90 Shotgun][Can take down multiple Grunts with a single shot.] [Grenades]Grunts are slow to respond to a grenade,so more than one can be taken out per throw.] [Rocket Launcher][Akin to using an axe to cut better.It'll work but what a mess.] [Plasma Pital...oops *Pistol][Charge it up and take them out.For single shots M6D pistol is more leathal] Plasma Rifle][You short bursts to avoid overheating.This is the weapon of choice against the grunts.] [Needler][Great from a distance.Up close,however,you will take a lot of damage as you wait for the needles to find there target and explode] Battle easier 2[Hunter][M6D Pistol][Utilize its scope for effective long range [aim for its neck or back]if you hit the orange flesh right on you can take one out with a single shot]
[MA5B Assault Rifle][Really only effective if you shoot them in the back]
[S2 AM Sniper Rifle][Aim for the neck or back]
[M90 Shotgun][Like the pistol one shot to the back should do it]
[Fragmentation/Plasma Grenade][Will only aggrivate them,unless its detonates behing them]
[M19SSM Rocket Launcher][They should nickname the Rocket Launcher "Hunter Killer"]
[Plasma Pistol][Ineffective.Don't use the pop-gun unless you want a fuel rod chaser]
[Plasma Rifle][Go for the orange flesh,but human weapons seem more effective]
[Needler][The needles will bounce harmlessly off there exoskeleton armor]
[Pistol][Fire a shot at the hole in the shield]
[Assaualt Rifle][Aim for the hole and unload]
[Sniper Rifle][Aim for the hole and its over]
[Shotgun][If your close enough it should knock them back,second shot will kill 'em.]
[Grenades][Jackals usualy ignore them so throw 'em if you got 'em]
[Rocket Launcher][This will do the trick]
[Plasma Pistol]One charged shot will kill the sheild second shot on em is death]
[Plasma Rifle][Will knock the shield away,leaving the Jackals body]
[Needler][Ineefective,Will not penetrate shield]
---NOTE--- Melee attack will penetrate shield and kill them first time. Plasma GrenadeIf your going to use a plasma grenade, try throwing the grenade on the alien where it sticks onto them. It will blow up on them making sure it will kill the alien. Also the aliens can do this to you if you don't move.Description of Weapons& Best Times to use Them + VehiclesHUMAN WEAPONS Pistol- Has scope capabilitys, grwat for picking off Covenenat at semi-long ranges. NOTE- good for level three Sniper Rifle-Armor and shield pericing rounds, Good for cloaked Eletes ant semi-long ranges (u will see elete's camofluage shimmer slightly) Rocket Launcher-Basic Covenenat-killer, Great for masses of grunts, hunters (can be a 2 for 1 deal)and espercaily Flood Assult Rifle-Speedy, great for masses but not for sniping, OK with flood, and good with grunts
COVENANT WEAPONS NOTE-Cannot reload (must get new) Plasma Rifle-Great for masses and elete's, use in short bursts to avout overheating (drains power quickly) Plasma Pistol- Good for eletes when cornered, Great for hunters when shot in back
VEHICLES Warthog-fastest human vehicle, good for hunters (machine gun on back) Tank-The best for masses, and spectacular for hunters. Real messy however (turnes most covvant into mush and wreckes covenent vehicles Ghost-Quick, hovering, OK shot but bad defence make this vehicle quite a dish, be careful howver u can get blasted easily Banshee-only thing that can fly but the best damn thing for just about everythingSilent Level ShortcutThis will help if your annoyed by always having to go back because the yellow dude locks the door. First find a warthhog and get some people inside. Go where the place where there are lots of guys and where kortana says the covenant are putting up a real fight. Go down completely with your warthhog and go at full speed directly where the yellow dude is. If you did it right then your warthhog will be half way through. Press forward and get out. Then pass the level like you usually do and come back where the warthog is stuck. You may think it is impossible to get out but just press back and then get out. You will be in back of it and now you're done the hard part!master sniping techniqueHeres a cheap sniping tactic to aggravate your friends with next time your in a deathmatch.
turn on all vehicles, weapons on normal, and play on the sidewinder level.
grab a sniper rifle and a tank, drive it up to the outer cliff on the blue light side where the rocket launcher is located, drive the tank around the cliff past the rocket launcher towards the outside of the portal.
now back it up the hill next to the portals outside door, the tank should be facing straight at the tree out in the middle of the level.
soon as it's been back up that it cant go any farther (enough that you could get under it) go get a ghost and go off the tank like a ramp.
this is a very stressing trick, it will take a while but you'll know you have gotten in the sniping spot when you fly off the tank out beyond the boundaries of the level.
now you can walk around the whole level and pop out whenever you want and snipe your friends and then pop back out so they cant hit you. (it looks like your flying and sometimes you can keep the ghost up there)EASY WAY TO KILL AN ELITEIts simple, if you have a plasma pistol charge it up and fire it at an elite (if it tries to dodge it, the shot will follow it) and that should take out its shield, then pull out any other weapon (assault rifle works best) and waste em!Good tactic for legendaryHere's a good way of killing elites or hunters in legendary. get a needler and some ammo and just unload it on an elite and watch the show --NOTE-- You have to get in close enough for the needles to find their mark, and the delay until they explode leaves you wide open for their plasma rifle, so bring a backup weapon.For the hunters, unload an entire clip at their backs so the shot doesn't reflect off their shield and start shooting at them with another weapon while waiting for the needles to explode (or just sneak up on one and smack him in the back, and if you cant to that...a well placed plasma grenade to the head should weaken it, but it will most likely just piss it off.) Having Some 'FUN' With HuntersIts like playing with a bull (a bull with a fuel-rod gun and a bad attitude) with a red flag. Wait for it to melee you and right before it hits you move out of the way and hit it in the back. Then jump out of the way so it doesnt kill you. This trick is very hard to do however, try and get behind one hunter so the other one shoots at you and hits the other one in the side...or head..or wherever it might hit it. i did this once and it killed the hunter.