HalfLife: Blue Shift |
PC/Cheats H
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Various CheatsIt is also reported you can go to the console by pressing ~ then type in sv_cheats 1 instead of having to do the command line parameter above. These cheats can also be places in the C:\GameFolder\config.cfg file so they load each time with the game.Invincibility ---- /god Go to Map (insert map name for name) ---- /map name Get Item (Insert item name for item) ---- /give item Weapons & Ammo ---- impulse 101 No Clipping & Flight ---- /noclip Give Weapon ---- /give weapon ### Gravity change Use numbers 10-800 for ---- ## sv_gavity ## Enemies ignore you ---- /notarget tems for Give code ammo_556 ammo_762 Items for Give Weapon codeGRAPPLE KNIFE PIPEWRENCH EAGLE M249 SNIPERRIFLE DISPLACER SHOCKRIFLE SPORELAUNCHER Map Names for /map aboveba_canal1 ba_canal1b ba_canal2 ba_canal3 ba_elevator ba_hazard1 ba_hazard2 ba_hazard3 ba_hazard4 ba_hazard5 ba_hazard6 ba_maint ba_outro ba_power1 ba_power2 ba_security1 ba_security2 ba_teleport1 ba_teleport2 ba_tram1 ba_tram2 ba_tram3 ba_xen1 ba_xen2 ba_xen3 ba_xen4 ba_xen5 ba_xen6 ba_yard1 ba_yard2 ba_yard3 ba_yard3a ba_yard3b ba_yard4 ba_yard4a ba_yard5 ba_yard5a