When u update Galactic Civilisations to the newer version, a new option is put in the main menu saying --- CHEAT KEYS ON/OFF Turn them on to activate the following CTRL A - Adds hit points, move points, attack points and defense points to selected ship. CTRL B - Creates a battleship at the cursor. CTRL C - Copys the selected ship. CTRL E - Decreases morality. CTRL G - Increases morality. CTRL H - Heals selected ship and restores it's movement. CTRL J - All human planets complete their military and social projects instantly. CTRL L - Assigns all inhabitable planets and resources to the major races. CTRL M - Adds $1000 CTRL O - Creates an anomoly at cursor (sometimes doesn't work, sometimes does) CTRL P - Vastly increases the class of all planets in selected star. CTRL S - finish research on current tech instantly. CTRL SHIFT S - All techs except for final frontier are fully researched instantly. CTRL T - Teleports selected ship to cursor. CTRL U - Clears the fog of war.Taken from the main site CTRL V - Creates random ship at cursor. CTRL Y - Creates colony ship at cursor. Above cheats submitted by Paul Rhodes