FIFA 2003 |
PC/Cheats F
0.00 out of 5.00
Various CheatsEdit the file soccer.ini with a text editor (notepad on windows) then run the game. Add the following lines to soccer.iniLine to Add | Result | CHEAT_UNLOCKED_TEAMS=1 | Get All Teams | UNLOCK_TOURNAMENT=1 | Get All Tournaments | AGGRESSIVE_TACKLE_CHEAT=1 | Get Aggressive Tackles | CHEAT_EQUAL_TEAM_STATS=0 | Equal Team Stats | CHEAT_RANDOM_TEAMS=1 | CPU Picks Random Teams | DEMO_MODE=1 | Game in Demo Mode | ONE_ON_ONE=1 | One on One Play | PRACTICE_MODE=1 | Practice Mode On | AUTO_TACKLING=1 | Auto Tackling On | WINDOWED=1 | Game in a Window |
Cheatpress ctrl+shift+alt+fifa for a cheat window then type the following word:winwinwinwin=win with 10-0loseloseloselose=lose with 10-0aliensaliens=aliens landt on the field and kills everyone Submitted by neo